Tik Manager 4.3.6 is Out!

Good news! Tik Manager 4.3.6 is officially out, packed with new features, bug fixes, and a little something called Purgatory (cue dramatic music). Let’s break it down! What’s New? DCC Specific Utilities You know how we have extractors, ingestors, and…

New Feature coming: The ‘Purgatory Methodology’

We have been working on a new safety feature for Tik Manager, focused on improving data security and version management. Many of you may have noticed that when versions and published files are deleted, they don’t disappear immediately. Instead, they…

Tik Manager Integration with Kitsu: Coming Soon to Your Pipeline We’re excited to share a sneak peek of what’s coming next for Tik Manager, our lightweight and open-source CG pipeline tool: integration with Kitsu! This upcoming feature is set to…

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